New User 續填資料
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Supplementary Documents 列印文件
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Inquiry 回覆就學意願
Confirmation of Acceptance 接機與住宿調查
Airport Pick-up Accommodation
New User 續填資料
Continue 補充文件
Supplementary Documents 列印文件
Print Documents 進度查詢
Inquiry 回覆就學意願
Confirmation of Acceptance 接機與住宿調查
Airport Pick-up Accommodation
所有的選項都是必答,除了星號(★)為選答。All blanks are required; star mark (★) is optional.
請先選取檔案,然後按上傳。Please select a file and click upload.
For file name characters, you can use any combination of 26 letters in English alphabet, or numbers from 0 to 9.
Don't use symbols, such as ~!/#\&
1. 護照影本。A copy of passport. Please save the file in JPG or PDF format.
2. 個人兩吋正面照片。相片解析度72DPI上,檔案小於200KB
Recent two-inch head-shoulder photo: Please save the file in JPG format at higher resolution than 72 DPI. Maximum file size is 200 KB.
3. 高中/大學畢業證書:經過中華民國(台灣)駐外代表處認證的畢業證書影本。(如果文件非中文或英文,需要另附中文或英文譯本;畢業證書正本與認證正本於開學註冊時繳交)
One photocopy of high school diploma / University diploma with verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. (English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original diploma is not in either language. The original verified certificate shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
Certificate of enrollment is required if applicant is currently studying in the last school semester.
Please save the file in JPG or PDF format.
中學畢業證書Secondary School Diploma |
學院/大學畢業證書 College/ University Diploma |
在學證明 Certificate of enrollment |
4. 高中/大學成績單影本:一份經過中華民國(台灣)駐外代表處認證的成績單影本。(如果文件非中文或英文,需要另附中文或英文譯本;成績單正本與認證正本於開學註冊時繳交)。
One photocopy of official English yearly transcripts from all high school/ university years with verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. (English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original transcript is not in either language. The original verified transcripts shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
If applicant is studying in the last school semester, transcripts form all years should be verified after you graduate.
Please save the file in JPG or PDF format. If your transcript is more than one page, please save in PDF.
中學成績單 High School Transcript |
學院/大學成績單 College/ University Transcript |
5. 財力證明:帳戶存款金額至少美金6,500元或新台幣180,000元(如果文件非中文或英文,需要另附中文或英文譯本)。台灣獎學金證明可以當財力證明。財力證明是由銀行開立的證明文件(不是存摺),財力證明可以是申請者本人或父母的名下。
Bank statement, with a minimum balance of US$6500 or NTD$ 180,000 per person (English or Chinese translated is also necessary if
the original statement is not in either language); or a copy of scholarship award notification. A bank letter or bank statement for an
account must be issued in English or Chinese, and printed on bank letterhead. (A copy of bankbook is not acceptable.) The account
must be in your name or your parents’ name. If the bank account is in other financial sponsor/ institute’s name, the sponsor must provide:
a)A copy of the valid passport of the sponsor.
b)The completed consent letter, signed by sponsor.
Please save the file in JPG or PDF format. If more than one page, please save in PDF.
6. 二封推薦函:由學校師長或主管親自簽名,推薦人聯絡資訊(職稱/email/電話)必須顯示在推薦信上。
Two letters of recommendation. Please save the file in JPG format. References should sign on the letter, position title and contact info should be provided on the letter. Recommendation should not be written by friends or family members.
7. 報名費新台幣1,800元整或美金60元整。請看申請費付費說明
Application fee US$60 or NT$1800 per person (non-refundable). Please see Instructions for Fee-Payment 。
ICDF applicants can upload the complete ICDF application form with personal signature.
★8. 英文能力証明:TOEFL CBT 173, IBT 61, IELTS 5或TOEIC 550以上(適用於申請英語授課課程,母語為英語者免付)
English language proficiency: TOEFL Paper test 500 or TOEFL IBT 61 or TOEFL CBT 173 or IELTS 5 or TOEIC 550 (Only applicable to students who apply to English-taught programs, native speakers are excluded)
★9. 中文能力証明:華語文能力測驗(TOCFL, http://www.sc-top.org.tw/)4級或漢語水平考試(HSK, http://www.hsk.org.cn/)6級(適用於申請中文授課課程,母語為中文者免付)。
Chinese language proficiency: TOCFL level 4 or HSK 6 (Only applicable to students who apply to Chinese-taught programs, native speaker are excluded).
華語文能力測驗 TOCFL |
漢語水平考試 HSK |